December 2015 – Board Meeting Minutes

FNA Board Minutes – December 7, 2015; 7:00 pm

Attending: Alex Theiroff, Promotions; Roy Neese, Infrastructure; Carrie Carter, Membership; Melanie Dotzour, Finance; Kim Worley, Administration; Martin Dahl, Preservation; David Thrapp, Public Safety; Pat Bradley, President

Ex Officio Board: Mickey Bradley, Fred Harper

Directors’ Reports

  • Director of Promotions – Alex Theiroff
    • Santa in the Park will be on 12/19/15.
    • Festivus will include carolers and band(s) at Kent & Co.
      1. Mayor, Ann Zadeh, state rep invited
      2. Advertising write-up will appear in the Star-Telegram “Social Eyes” column.
    • Christmas party
      1. Looking for TABC bartender. Will add to constant contact.
      2. Attendees will be asked to bring wine and/or dessert
      3. Pulido’s to cater meal
  • Historic Preservation – Martin Dahl
    • Leigh Ann Neese is working on securing a Fairmount Neighborhood historic marker for placement in the green space. Awaiting signature from the Green House owner.
    • 1908 College – Building Standards board refused a continuance. Owner has 30 days to fix home. (Home has been cited for similar issues since 2007.) Appeal can be denied.
      1. Fred mentioned that the resident c/should be being charged $200/day for non-compliance.
    • Permitting brochure was sent out with the December newsletter.
    • Lead team desires to change the impression of Historic Preservation Team at the Fairmount and City level.
  • David mentioned Historic Preservation month is in May – same as Home Tour.
        1. Also, that the City of Fort Worth should be involved in selecting FTW’s “Most Endangered Places” to share with Preservation Texas.
  • Director of Communication – Stacy Luecker
    • Passing out Festivus flyers requesting lit decorations along van route on Sun., 11/8/15 from 2p – 4p. Do not put flyers in mail boxes. Meet at Rosen House for block assignments.
    • Holiday newsletter to be distro’d the weekend of December 5. In good shape for articles.
    • Newsletter ads almost sold out. Sold $4K in ads, printing will cost $3700
    • Stacy updated ad rates – cheapest ad is now $65.
    • December Yard of the Month will be selected on 12/12/15.
  • Director of Administration: Kim Worley
    • Will purchase all gifts for past board members from Chadra. Gifts will be presented at the Christmas Party.
  • Director of Membership: Carrie Carter
    • Needs the square for the Christmas party.
    • Hopes to locate the old “Fairmount FNA” computer. If it is still working, would like to use it to have members self-register/join at the Christmas party.
    • Expect to have bumper stickers to pass out at January mtg.
    • Have 10 “Old House” magazines to give to new members.
      1. Any member can subscribe for $35 for 2 years.
  • Director of Finance: Melanie Dotzour
    • Will send out reimbursement forms to the board.
  • Director of Infrastructure: Roy Neese
    • Dead trees are about to be removed from the park.
    • Fairmount Park: consideration being given to designing/installing our own sign.
      1. Will need permission from the city as the park is city property.
  • Director of Safety – David Thrapp
    • No report


    • Stacy will run a Constant Contact to find Home Tour lead team volunteers. Ideally, want at least two potential chairs to choose from by January membership meeting.
    • Fred will write an editorial looking for and ensuring that we have representatives at City Council Meetings. Attendee responsibilities will be outlined.

General Membership Meeting: January 26, 2015 @ 7:00pm 

Adjourned 8:23 pm

Minutes submitted by K. Worley 1/6/16