November 2015 – Board Meeting Minutes

FNA Board Minutes – November 2, 2015; 7:00 pm

Attending: Alex Theiroff, Promotions; Roy Neese, Infrastructure; Carrie Carter, Membership; Melanie Dotzour, Finance; Stacy Luecker, Communications; Kim Worley, Administration; Pat Bradley, President

Ex Officio Board: Mickey Bradley, Robert Wedding, Fred Harper

Membership Attendees: Susan Harper, George Achziger, Chandra Riccetti

Directors Reports

  • Director of Promotions – Alex Theiroff
    1. Santa in the Park will be on 12/19/15.
    2. Festivus will include carolers and band(s) at Kent & Co.
  • Historic Preservation – Martin Dahl
    1. No report
  • Director of Communication – Stacy Luecker
    1. Passing out Festivus flyers requesting lit decorations along van route on Sun., 11/8/15 from 2p – 4p. Do not put flyers in mail boxes. Meet at Rosen House for block assignments.
    2. Holiday newsletter to be distro’d the weekend of December 5. In good shape for articles.
    3. Newsletter ads almost sold out. Sold $4K in ads, printing will cost $3700
    4. Stacy updated ad rates – cheapest ad is now $65.
    5. December Yard of the Month contest begins 12/11/15.
  • Director of Administration: Kim Worley
    1. No report
  • Director of Membership: Carrie Carter
    1. No report
  • Director of Finance: Melanie Dotzour
    1. No report
  • Director of Infrastructure: Roy Neese
    1. Warranty for the three dead trees only covers a reduction in the replacement cost. As such, may source replacement trees from elsewhere.
      1. Three dead trees plus an additional one in the parkway will be removed.
    2. Continuing to work on replacing the Fairmount Park sign.
    3. Working with park commission to understand pricing and logistics of getting a sprinkler system for the park.
  • Director of Safety – David Thrapp
    1. No report



    • George Achziger – next social will be at Anytime Fitness: 11/19/15 at 7p.
    • George Achziger & Chandra Riccetti – Bastion has availability for the Christmas party on Fri., 12/11. Considering upscale food stations and hosted hors’ devours placement of tallboys. Anticipating a $1500 budget (including wine & cocktails). Attendees can also bring wine because it’s a private party. Can use the meeting room plus the stage and patio (with heating lamps). Mexican/Southwestern theme.
        • Seated section for senior citizens
        • Are we doing a silent auction?
        • Pot luck for dessert


    • Due to day/date and size requirements for a recruiting activity, board voted to place the party at Preservation Hall on Saturday, 12/12.   We’re hoping the The Bastion can cater all/a portion of the party.


  • Susan Harper – Motion seconded with passing vote to offer subscription codes on an ongoing basis to new FNA members for a one-year subscription to “Old House Journal” – potentially to be added to proposed New Member Packets.   This is important with regards to helping educate incoming residents on historic structures design/needs/etc. (FNA would absorb the $10 one-year subscription fee.) FNA typically gets 20 – 30 new member households per year. Existing members will also be allowed to get a first year subscription for $10. Carrie & Susan to work out the details.
  • In the past, each block had a Block Captain.   Was difficult to maintain. Should we do this again? No resolution.
  • Should we consider selling bricks for around the park or garden? No resolution.
  • Need to finalize Home Tour Committee – falls under the Promotions Team. Chair must be voted on. Committee comprised of Home Tour Director and chairs for: advertising, volunteers, home owner liaison, Wine Down, Progressive Dinner, and Parade.  Pat will discuss evolution of currently anticipated Director’s placement/etc.
  • Should we consider membership levels? Differing contributions allow other possibilities for sponsorships, gifts, etc. No resolution.
  • Can we consider a dress-up theme party like a St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Party? Interest, but no resolution.
  • Pat will reserve Rose Chapel for the Home Tour Volunteer Orientation Meeting on Tues., May 3.
  • Kim Worley will buy $75 gift certificates from Chadra’s as “Thank You” gifts for departing board members. (6 gift certificates)


General Membership Meeting: January 26, 2015 @ 7:00pm 

Adjourned 8:59 pm

Minutes submitted by Kim Worley 11/10/15