Volunteers needed for Fairmount tour of homes
April 7, 2016
The only thing more amazing than Fairmount’s 34th Annual Home Tour is YOU — so just imagine the magic we’ll make when we smash the two together!
We still have PLENTY, PLENTY docent* spots available on:
Saturday, May 7 from 11:30a – 3:00p
Saturday, May 7 from 2:30p – 6:00p
Sunday, May 8 from 11:30a – 3:00p
Sunday, May 8 from 3:00p – 6:00p
You do not have to live in Fairmount to volunteer!
Every Home Tour volunteer* will receive:
One free ticket to Home Tour (retail value – $15)
Admittance for one to Wine Down!
(Retail value of partying down with all of your Fairmount friends and neighbors on the beautiful grounds of Rosen House? PRICELESS !!!)
We even provide a “Totally Voluntary Volunteer Orientation” from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3 at the Rose Chapel on Lipscomb so you can pick up your tickets and get familiar with your role.
Just send your email address, phone number and preferred volunteer day and shift to volunteers@historicfairmount.com and I’ll getcha all fixed up.
Cheers to another fantastic Home Tour, Kids … and to all of our fabulous friends!
Kim Worley
Home Tour Volunteer Lead
(and part-time dog catcher)
* Don’t want to docent. No problem! Tell me what DO want to do and I’ll figure something out.
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