September 2015 – Board Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2016
Meeting Minutes
FNA Board Minutes
September 8, 2015; 7:01 pm
Attending: Alex Theiroff, Promotions; Roy Neese, Infrastructure; Carrie Carter, Membership; Melanie Dotzour, Finance; Stacy Luecker, Communications; Kim Worley, Administration; Martin Dahl, Historic Preservation; Pat Bradley, President
Ex Officio Advisory Board: Mickey Bradley, Steve Halliday
Directors Reports
- Director of Promotions – Alex Theiroff
- Brandon requests a budget increase for Festivus. Desires $1100 line item.
- Suggesting sequel to Fairmount/Ryan Place July 4 softball game. Perhaps volleyball or kickball.
- Promotions team manages all external-facing events – ArtsGoggle & Open Streets participation, etc.
- Historic Preservation – Martin Dahl
- Described his role: goes to Landmarks meeting second Monday of each month. Receives for review info/case docent immediately before meeting. Recommends changes where necessary. Will not generally mention specific cases during FNA meetings unless they are controversial in nature. Simply provides an extra voice of guidance with regards to what are appropriate building elements for the neighborhood. Will not suggest contractors.
- Voted upon and approved 2015/2016 Historic Committee Members: Maggie LangevinMike McDermottIra Rihel
- Amanda Schulte-Tacke
- Leigh Anne Neese
- Roxanna Latifi
- Mary Cantu-Crouch
- Martin discussed the upcoming Zoning Commission meeting regarding legal definitions -boarding houses versus single housekeeping units. TCU students are being used as publicity tool/megaphone to retain current definition. The implication for Fairmount is the definition of dwellings such as the B&G properties.
- Upon potential acceptance, enforcement guidelines will require development
- AirBnB – locations with up to seven day visit, not impacted
- Betsy Price supports increased density, but also supports appropriate zoning updates for its achievement
- Motion from Martin: “Martin Dahl will represent FNA’s support of the new zoning definitions at upcoming Zoning meetings.” Seconded by Alex. All in favor.
- See accompanying “Zoning Docket” for details.
- Director of Communication – Stacy Luecker
- Cooks Hospital sending $800 check for advertising
- FNA brochure design complete. Can promote Home Tour via FTW Visitors Bureau if we supply budget for printing.
- Newsletter: 32 pages costs about $3700 per issue to print – 1900 copies printed. Receive minor advertising revenue from two print issues. Revenue greatly decreased when we reduced to two print issues/yr. May consider increasing rates – ours are currently lower than those of other neighborhood publications which are providing less circulation/value.
- Anticipates that web hosting costs will increase by $10/mo
- “Yard of the Month” – One team member stepped down; team is on the hunt for a replacement. May create a “Seasonal Yard of the Month” for holiday decorations, etc.
- Director of Administration: Kim Worley
- No report
- Director of Membership: Carrie Carter
- Hoping to print back side of membership form in Spanish to make the form more inclusive.
- Consider designing and giving neighborhood bumper stickers upon paying FNA membership. Need to consider second year membership promo item.
- Membership team manages all socials and the Christmas party.
- All memberships maintain the same price regardless of joining month. All memberships end on December 31 of each year.
- Director of Finance: Melanie Dotzour
- Will set-up QuickBooks
- Please review proposed budget for next month’s meeting
- Director of Infrastructure: Roy Neese
- Stacy – Need Fairmount sign in green space
- Pat/Stacy – New trees in green space dead due to water being turned off. Perhaps we could crowd source replanting, etc. Stacy will evaluate crowd sourcing options.
- Martin – The Greenhouse owns the green space lot, has a deal with the city for $10 a month to water space. Greenhouse will not maintain lot.
- Consider neighborhood volunteer master gardeners to plant and maintain
- Consider selling promotional bricks to help fund replanting/maintenance
- Director of Safety – David Thrapp
- No report.
- Martin – we need to increase our promotion of Blue Zone appointment. How will we promote? How will we support? Should continuously communicate what Blue Zone is, and what it means to the neighborhood. Continuously state how our various events/initiatives tie to Blue Zone concept (walkable neighborhoods, community involvement, etc.) Create strong tie to National Night Out. Dan Buettner, writer of the Blue Zone books, was interviewed on “Real time with Bill Maher” on August 21, 2015 -mentioned Fort Worth and Betsy Price for adopting the Blue Zone project.
- DeZavala – first school social of the year will be on Saturday, Sept. 24 at 6p. “Nostalgia Theme” – bring sack “lunch”
General Membership Meeting: September 22, 2015 @ 7:00pm
Adjourned 8:29 pm
Minutes submitted by Kim Worley 9/21/15
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