July 6, 2020 FNA Board Meeting
October 21, 2020
Meeting Minutes
Start time: 7:00pm
Fraudulent charge resolved by Wells Fargo
Home Tour:
- $1400 in donations plus what is owed by one advertiser will take us to break even
- Have not lost money by continuing the tradition
- Audit will happen within 45 days of the last day of the home tour July 20
Nominating committee:
- Motion to accept the nominating committee was passed by all
- Pat Bradley, Sammy Williams, and Joe Hyun with Mickey Bradley as the alternate
Fairmount Green Space:
- contacting 5th ave to see what we can do about taking care of the green space
- Volunteers will be contacted to see if we can keep it tidy
- My Fort Worth app can be used to have the spaces mowed
Communications moving forward:
- How are we going to vote in August with COVID situation
- Written is allowed so we can interpret it as digital
- We need to have a meeting and quorum for this vote to take place
- People watching live will be asked to comment that they are watching, along with their names, so we can have a count of membership
- They will then be asked to email in their vote and we can count the votes
- Newsletter moving forward
- To cover the cost, given the situation, we should move ahead doing an online newsletter for the fall
- Thinking of having one in October and that should give the new communications director time to get things published online
- Need to have a budget proposed and moved over for the new board to review for the new session
- Go down line by line and make changes based on need and situation
- Fall and winter events all over the city are all on hold as are the money makers for the rest of the year
- Letter from the President to the membership explaining where we are, why we’re going digital and why events are cancelled or on hold
Magnolia building
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