January 2016 – General Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Fairmount National Historic District General Meeting
January 26, 2016
Meeting Called to Order by Pat Bradley – 7:03 p.m.
Introduction of New Members – four new households – Welcome Josh, Leslie, Lisa, Peter, Drew, Jenny, Laura and Goose!
Neighborhood Police Officer Update – Sergio Guadarrama (FTW NPO OF THE YEAR!)
- 3 burglaries (one was a storage shed)
- 3 vehicular burglaries (one vehicle was unlocked; one included a firearm)
- Please remove valuables from your car
- 5 thefts – only one holiday package theft
- No suspects of record
Sergio is back on the Fairmount & Ryan Place Facebook pages, primarily in a monitoring capacity. Any posts that he adds will be in a “Sergio Light” format. Please continue to tag him with your needs. Sergio will be meeting with his captain on 1/29/16 to learn more about the social media vetting processes. His lieutenant will be monitoring our FB page, etc.
Beat Officer Gus Green was introduced. Welcome Officer Green!
Steve Clower – DeZavala PTA President
Teachers’ lounge requires updating (chairs, sofa, shelves, paint job) in order to make it a more inviting, less sterile/dated space. Renovation will cost up to $2000, and is expected to be completed in March. Volunteers will be located via Facebook. PTA requested $1000 donation from the Fairmount Association. (We gifted each Fairmount school $1000 last August. FNA did not budget for an additional $1000 for DeZavala.) Motion seconded and passed to give DeZavala an additional $1000 for the refresh.
Brenda Howell, Lori Gallagher and Susan Harper: COWTOWN MARATHON is running though Fairmount on Sunday, Feb. 28. Runners will pass Fairmount Park up 5th Ave from Magnolia. Waffle House joins us again for “Waffles (& OJ & Coffee) in the Park” for our cheerleading and spectators.
- Need cheerleaders at the park from 7:50a – 10a on Sun., 2/28/16.
- Need folks to be “walk-up” water station monitors (no need to volunteer in advance – expect to be drafted, if necessary J)
- Need 10 course monitors to wave direction flags strategically placed with squad cars around the neighborhood.
- Requesting one volunteer to place informational & “clean up” flyers on 5th between Magnolia and Allen.
- Desire a park and course clean-up the weekend of 2/23/16.
Jake Hill – Men of Fairmount
Men of Fairmount is launching a 501c3, named NearSouthNeeds.org. (Its Facebook page will activate soon.) Calendar will remain an annual event supporting a neighborhood need. In 2016, calendars supported Good Neighbors Animal Rescue. In 2015 the Men of Fairmount Car Wash paid for a great deal of Daisy Dillman’s out-of-pocket costs for her leukemia treatment. Essentially, NSN hope to create events employing the types of things our neighbors are already doing (supporting local musicians, eating in the neighborhood, having fun) which will also cast funds towards groups or residents in need. Stay tuned for more details, and watch around the neighborhood to buy more Men of Fairmount calendars for $10/ea.
Melanie Dotzour – Finance
- FNA checking account = $5638.30
- Community Garden checking = $2017.24
- Savings = $17,847.77
- CD = $17,794.67
Kim Worley – Administration
- Cheerfully has nothing to report
Ray Neese – Infrastructure
- Fairmount Park sign remains crumbled. City is reporting that they will replace it with a standard park sign. We have proposed that FNA pays for “in-keeping” brick columns to be rebuilt, and the city can just cover the inlaid sign. Roy hopes to get sign in place before the Cowtown Marathon. City official is meeting with Roy in February to discuss all park needs for 2017 budget. (Sprinkler system, etc.)
- Roy is looking for clean-up volunteers the Saturday before the Marathon. (On Jan. 31, 2016, Brenda requested that clean-up occur the weekend of 2/20/16 instead. Kim Worley will follow-up with the board.) David Thrapp mentioned the Community Service Guys could assist.
David Thrapp – Safety
- Thanks for coming out to support Sergio and Facebook updates during the recent meeting with our Chief of Police. We look forward to hosting the Chief again at National Night Out.
Martin Dahl – Historic Preservation
- Renovations under way include: 2 window renovations, back porch/fireplace renovation, and a garage.
- Recently denied: three story home; gravel driveway.
- Regarding the Stockyards, Landmarks/City Council/etc are considering alternative district sizes based on the Historic FTW proposal.
- Please complete Betsy Price’s survey, and request additional administrative support for our (one) historic preservation manager.
- Lori Gallagher will be discussing this on the real estate show on The Southside Pirate (KFTW) at 10a on Saturday(s) and Sunday(s). TUNE IN!
- Catch shows later on fwrealestateradio.com
Alex Theiroff – Promotions
- No report
Stacy Luecker – Communications
- Home Tour advertising now available for sale. Contact Stacy for details.
Carrie Carter – Membership
- Membership bumper stickers will be available in time for our next General Meeting. Individual memberships = 1 sticker; Family memberships = 2.
- Please feel free to renew online if you haven’t already renewed.
Alex/Pat/Carrie went to All Neighborhood Meeting. Got loads of speaker leads for our upcoming neighborhood meetings; learned about pet licensing, emergency preparedness and much more.
Robert Wedding – Introduced the 2016 Home Tour Lead Team and asked for volunteers who could directly support this year’s leads. Indicated that if you don’t volunteer, your home may be painted pink … and not at all a GOOD pink.
Adult Volleyball sign-up is now open at the Fire Station.
Fairmount Library is celebrating its first anniversary on Sat., Feb. 13. Party at 7p. Hoping to get the exterior painted in time for the anniversary. Please send your empty toilet paper rolls to the Library of arts and crafts Saturdays.
Good Neighbors Animal Rescue is now at PetSmart on Thursday – please visit us! Also, please send food donations our way.
Needs folks with trucks for Home Tour set-up volunteering.
Southside Preservation Hall – Buddy’s Big Band appears first Friday each month. Enjoy swing dance classes on Tuesdays.
The Bastion has Chef Tastings twice a month. Feb. 7 is a New Orleans brunch – reservations are still available. Also, doing Valentine’s Day Dinner. Call The Bastion for details.
Adjourned: 8:05 p.m.
Submitted by Kim Worley, Goddess of HT Volunteer Groveling, 2/5/16
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