August 3, 2020 FNA Board Meeting
October 21, 2020
Meeting Minutes
Start time: 7:04pm
NPO – Sergio is moving along and will be covered by Officer Campbell until they are able to fill the position this coming week.
- How much are the street lights?
- There is no concrete answer on how much they are but they are alleged to be 1200ish
GNAR request for funds:
- The next amount of money coming in will be at the beginning of the year for membership.
- We do not have anything on the horizon to make up the funds if we give them monies
- Talking about re-airing the Home Tour to benefit GNAR and take some donations to give them and make up funds
- Want to get a sponsor first to get some funds for the neighborhood first
- A recommendation has been made and the new board can make changes
- Change Newsletter printing to $1000 from $7500 in order to keep things as a digital platform due to COVID
- Yard of the Month
- we need to figure out how we can do a swap with the businesses that provide gift cards to the winners of the YOM
- Office supplies: Leave as is
- Website and IT: Leave as it is since we are going to keep things online
- Bank Charges: Lower to $50
- Insurance: Leave as is due to the amount paid last year
- Covers volunteers and the community garden
- Non-profit filings: leave as is
- Office Supplies: Reduce to $150
- PO Box: up to $180
- Tax Preparation: Leave it as is
- Thank You Gifts: Down to $350
- Educational Outreach Initiatives: Can be taken out completely
- Contributing Structural Plaques: up to $5000 and is actually a zero sum line item
- Historic FW Membership: Leave as is
- Office / General Expenses (Historic Preservation): Lower to $200
- National Trust: Leave it as is
- Home Tour:
- Leave most as is in anticipation of having a full tour next year
- Home renderings: cut completely
- T-Shirts: Down to $500
- WineDown: Down to $1000
- Infrastructure:
- Flags: raise to $2500 and majority will be reimbursed by donations
- Public Space Maintenance: Down to $2000
- Neighborhood Animal Rescue: Down to $1000
- Storage: up to $3150 due to increase in cost
- Holiday social: Keep at $1500
- Promotions:
- NUSA: Down to $250
- National Night Out: Down to $200
Next meeting will be for voting and we need to get as many people out to vote. It will be online.
End: 8:09pm
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