October 5, 2020 FNA Board Meeting
October 21, 2020
Meeting Minutes
Start: 7:07pm
Finance – Regina:
– Budget
– Numbers for the coming year will be as if COVID isnt an issue
– Communications
– Changes made reflect transition to digital format for newsletter
- Yard of the month moved to $200 due to donation
- Michael will send information for the person who made a donation so we can send a thank you letter.
- Office supplies upped for some wiggle room
- Historic Preservation
- Plaques raised to $5000 although it’s a revolving fund
- Office/General administrative lowered to $200
- Home Tour
- Left budget same with the exception of the home renderings hoping we have a normal home tour for next year
- T-shirts down to $500 from $1500
- Wine Down went from $1750 to $1000
- Infrastructure
- Upped budget for flags and brackets based on demand to $2500
- Public Space Maint: down to $2000
- NARP down to $1000 from $1500
- Membership
- Storage up tp $3300 from $2800
- Promotions
- NUSA conference down to $250 from $500
- Santa in the Park down to $225 from $275
- Public Safety
- National Night Out down to $200 from $650
- Motion by Michael to have the budget go before the membership and Preston seconds
Preservation – Michael McDermott
- David Shaw agreed to donate $2500 for the relaunch of the Home Tour video
- Stacy Leuker thinks we can get the videographer to donate the video work for a new introduction
- the 2 works in progress homes are completed and could be added to the existing video as new material and an incentive to have more viewers.
David –
- Daggett Elementary has approached us for $216.45 for PPE for teachers
- Michael makes a motion to send the money to Daggett
- Rachel seconds
- Motion passed
- Working with Texas Health Resources about hosting a free flu shot drive for the neighborhood
- Halloween
- CDC released a guideline with risk levels regarding trick or treating
- Publish guides with Fairmount letterhead to release the information to the community
- Lower Risk
- Halloween Scavenger hunt to have lists with items for kids to look at that are displayed outside the homes
- Posting pictures of the Halloween decorations and having people online vote by likes
- Virtual costume contest with online voting
Infrastructure – Preston
- City has not gotten back to us about the 5th avenue progress. Will continue to reach out and have information for the membership at the next meeting
Ending: 8:10pm
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