7/2/2018 FNA Board of Director’s Meeting
September 27, 2018
Meeting Minutes
7/2/2018 FNA Board of Director’s Meeting
7:06 call to order
Directors to review budget and send any questions to Melanie for discussion prior to budget meeting, especially categories. Reminder, budget reflects through end of August.
Director Updates:
Promotions, Sean Ford:
- Fairmountigras, Chair of this event (Kim Worley) would like to expand to a bigger parade, with more business input, possibly down Magnolia. Has asked for consideration to use “extra” (unanticipated earnings) from last year to help fund this expansion. Board discussed increasing the budget for this event by $2k, to be voted on by general membership. Board consensus is positive regarding this increase.
- Sean will be meeting with Joe H (Fairmount 5k) and Kim W (Fairmountigras) to discuss sponsorship and marketing for future events. Board discusses possible formation of a marketing chair with a committee to handle future events.
President, Sara Karashin:
- Sara meeting with NSI to discuss Arts Goggle. Would the FNA like to consider sponsoring a booth for local school students to sell their artwork? Breinn will ask Nancy Strickland (neighborhood school liaison) to contact schools to see if they are interested. Arts Goggle is scheduled for 10/20/2018. The topic of trash/garbage left in neighborhood after this large event was also discussed. Sara to email NSI to discuss additional garbage receptacles, Susan to contact Preservation Hall to see if we can get volunteers to help pick up trash the next day after the event.
Administration, Leah Suasnovar:
- Will coordinate with Communications to get General Meeting minutes published in newsletter. Include note with General minutes that Board meeting minutes are located on website.
Infrastructure, Breinn Richter:
- Breinn recently attended conference on homelessness which was an extremely well attended event.
- Safer Southside Alliance recruits off duty police officers to enforce greater security from Hemphill to Henderson for business who pay for this service. Officers are familiar with the area “common offenders” on Magnolia. They patrol Friday and Saturday from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am. The cost for this service is $100/weekly. Board discussed paying for this service, to come one block into the neighborhood off of Magnolia, and extend hour of patrol until 2:30 am. We can utilize the infrastructure budget to do a three week trial of these services. If happy with results, can approach membership about using funds for a yearly agreement, at a cost of around $5200. Sara to see if Lt. Halford (who manages this service) can come speak to the details of his security patrol at an upcoming General Meeting.
- A city of Fort Worth representative will be reviewing all upcoming street and sidewalk improvements with infrastructure, or someone on a committee reviewing street interests. Mike Brennan with NSI has indicated the city has a fund (Annual Maintenance Fund) to support sidewalk improvements which are needed in areas of Fairmount to ensure safe routes to school. (Particularly Jessamine/College).
- Discussion regarding Affordable Housing in neighborhood. NSI states that there will be an “affordable component” within the new units being developed currently. The Board is “Pro” affordable housing in new construction and zoning requests in the neighborhood. Board will support projects that include this component coming into the neighborhood, but also mentioned we may need to seek legal counsel to determine if appropriated to include that verbiage in our letters of support to zoning/city council.
- NSI Parking Study update: study is coordinating in tandem with City/NSI/FNA. Illegal parking is the biggest problem facing the neighborhood and surrounding streets. 90% of illegal parking should be able to be eliminated with parking signs. Discussion on consideration of painting parking spot lines on residential streets (first two blocks off of Magnolia) to help with crowding. This was effective on Magnolia, but residents will need to be notified and costs will need to be considered.
- Park improvements: City will be issuing an RFP for the Park Improvements FNA has planned (plantings, etc.). Sara will be sending specifications to the city for the RFP solicitation. City will still be moving forward with hardscape items such as trashcans, waste stations, electricity, etc.).
- FNA Board would like to fund electric installation at Community Garden to assist during work days at events held at Garden. Board will start getting estimates to present and to be voted on by membership at an upcoming general meeting.
Membership, Deanna Stuart:
- There will not be a July social. August will be an adult only, maybe at WineHaus. September will be a splash day. October a whiskey and PJ party at the Worley’s. November, movie in the park, and December the Holiday Party with a membership drive. (Bria Fox is already working on designing the holiday invite!)
- Delivered 13 welcome packets last month, 13 is about the average per month.
Preservation update, Susan Harper:
- Zoning change proposed for 1322 Lipscomb. Will be growing from proposed 4 units to 8 units. The Camereno family and a large B&G rental property are the only adjacent neighbors and the Camareno’s are in support of the property being developed as residential. Board discussed and we support the development as well, motion to support zoning for PD-C zoning only in support of an increase to 8 units over the 4 currently allowed. For those interested, YES, plans for this development DO include 15 parking spaces.
- Update on 2020 college. The project was approved with drawings completed by Thomas Tinsley, however, there have been many updates completed not approved by HCLC that were not in the drawings, such as the balcony on the front being inappropriate, a new door installed, sidelights incorrect, balcony removed on South side. This is an ongoing case.
- Fort Brew: NSI guidelines not adhered to for signage (backlit signs not permitted) on front of building. NSI will be working on getting these code provisions updated and more stringent with the city.
Communications, Betty Spitzberg:
No update
Safety, Geri Gotten:
No update
Other business:
Motion made and approved the nominating committee for new board members approved as follows: Joe Hyun, Patricia Bradley, and Angela Gaither, with Fred Harper as an alternate from Membership. Board members on this committee are Breinn Richter, and Leah Suasnovar.
Board to review official FNA Bylaws and send notes of any changes or updates to Sara ASAP.
Motion made and approved to adjourn, meeting adjourned 9:22 pm.
Next general meeting scheduled 7/23, next Board meeting scheduled 8/6.
Meeting minutes submitted 7/16/18, by Leah Suasnovar.
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