3/5/2018 Board Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2018
Meeting Minutes
Fairmount Neighborhood Association Board Meeting Minutes, 3/5/2018.
In attendance:
Board Members: Sara Karashin, Breinn Richter, Susan Harper, Geri Cotten, Deanna Stuart, Sean Ford, Betty Spitzberg, Leah Suasnovar. Other attendees: Fred Harper.
Call to order: 7:05 pm
Postponed approving previous meeting minutes, as not all had reviewed yet.
Debrief of Mounti Gras, care of Kim Worley: Spent $6600, had 30% return on investment. Jennifer with Red Team Realty has offered to join planning committee for future Mounti Gras.
Sean Ford, Director of Promotions update:
- Discussion of Home Tour Booth at Open Streets on 4/15. We will need an activity, hoping it can be an unusual or fun activity.
- Compiling a list of sponsors and if other Board members have sponsors, please send that information to Sean.
- Sean will be serving as Winedown Chair. Breinn will do the 50/50 ticket sales as she did for Mounti Gras. (Buy a raffle ticket, if your ticket gets drawn, you receive half of ticket sale earnings, other half goes to FNA. Date for Winedown is 5/12/2018.
- Neighbor Larry N. has requested the FNA promote and support a neighborhood prayer event for the National Day of Prayer on 5/3. After review of bylaws, it was determined that FNA would not promote this event, but encourage Larry to create an event and share on the Neighborhood Chat page (not affiliated with FNA).
Deanna Stuart, Director of Membership:
- Sending out an average of 13 Welcome packets monthly. People who sign up to join the Neighborhood Chat page get forwarded to Deanna so we know who new members are. Membership will always welcome volunteers for this duty.
- Deanna will remind neighbors to renew membership at general meetings (many think they are current and are not)
Leah Suasnovar, Director of Administration:
- Voting item on cookbook for next general meeting
- Discussed moving from old storage unit to new storage unit, and moving items from Bastion, April is first month of new lease, group shall meet 4/7 from 9:00-2:00 to move items to new unit.
- Reminder to have committee members sign conflict of interest forms.
Breinn Richter, Director of Infrastructure:
- School Safety meeting at Firestation Center on 3/7/18 at 6:30.
- Voted to send a home tour package (containing tickets, Tshirt, poster) for Dagget Montessori for Silent Auction)
- Discussion about “no truck signs”, consensus determined the signs should be placed on Magnolia, not on residential streets. Breinn to email Mike B with NSI with our decision.
- Cowtown Clean up, we are signed up as a group, event is 3/24
- NEZ, holding off on pushing to remove Magnolia from NEZ overlay to prevent the NEZ being removed entirely and from areas that could still benefit (Hemphill).
- NSI Fundraiser, annual community dinner, is 5/4. Motion made for FNA funds be used to pay 50% of any Board Members ticket that want to attend, not to exceed $299. Motional approved.
Director of Preservation, Susan Harper:
No update
Geri Cotten, Director of Safety:
- COPS information contained in current water bill. See insert for more information.
Betty Spitzberg, Director of Communications:
- 4/01/17 is deadline for home tour newsletter. Susan will be contributing towards an article on new neighbor and nonprofit agency, Arise Africa. Betty will also be assisting in promoting their upcoming fundraiser.
Voting Item:
Motion to remove previously listed account executives from Wells Fargo accounts. Those to be removed are: Fred Harper, Susan Harper, Patty Randle, Glenn Redding and Robert Wedding. Motion approved.
Motion to add new account executives to Wells Fargo accounts. Those to be added are: Sara Karashin, Melanie Dotzour, and Sean Ford. Motion approved.
General discussion:
Reminder, we only have possession of the Southside Preservation Hall meeting space for two hours, 6:30 to 8:30. Board members need to notify Sara prior to meeting if any different set up is required for the meeting. Board members need to make sure space is cleaned up at meeting end, projector screen packed up and any trash left on Charis or pamphlets in the back all need to be picked up.
Board commits to make updates more brief, to include updates as bullets on meeting agenda to prevent meetings from running long.
Discussion regarding B&G Rentals in the neighborhood. Motion made that the Board remain neutral on this topic, but continue to support neighbors as needed. Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:11.
Meeting minutes submitted by Leah Suasnovar 3/28/18.
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