2/26/2018 General Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2018
Meeting Minutes
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Location: Southside Preservation Hall
Date: 2/26/2018
Time: 7:00 PM
Board Members in attendance:
Sara Karashin, Breinn Richter, Susan Harper, Leah Suasnovar, Sean Ford, Deanna Stuart, Betty Spitzberg
Introduction of new members
NPO Sergio Guadarrama update: Suspects identified from break in at Bradley’s Optical on 8th Ave, warrants issued. Sergio is visiting all schools (6 total) on his beat to make sure all schools have plans in place in case of an active shooter or lockdown situation. All principals are being informed of Police SOP in these circumstances. There will be a community forum for parents/schools/FWPD at Fire Station Community Center at 6:30 PM on Wednesday 3/7/18 (1601 Lipscomb). Representatives from neighborhood schools and FWPD will be available to explain in detail about shooting responses at our local schools and there will be time for questions.
Update from Tracy Edwards (with City of FW Community Engagement, who connects us with City Services) – Cowtown Clean-up is 3/24, Earth Party afterwards at Water Gardens. Drop off Stations now take household chemicals and the Crud Cruiser (mobile collection trailer) has planned dates to be at Hazel Harvey center this summer. More details to come about that.
Update from Code Compliance Offer TJ Guerrin (supervisor of Eric Muhammed, our neighborhood’s code officer) Discussed willingness to use more officer discretion in regards to city ordinance about outdoor and porch furniture. In most cases, if it is painted and shellacked, it is ok to be outside on your porch. Examples provided for items NOT acceptable for porch: padded office chairs, couches, appliances. Anything that would soak up/hold water or harbor rodents is not acceptable. Safety, health and property value are the top goals for Code Compliance. Additionally, consistency throughout the neighborhood and owner compliance are important. Please note, all homeowners have a chance to abate the issue prior to a fine being assessed. The citation is not the end, you can go to court and discuss the citation. The Code Officer assigned to Fairmount is aware that weatherproofed furniture should be acceptable in most cases in our neighborhood. Just make sure your property is in good condition and well maintained. Call 682-444-8409 to discuss these topics with Eric Muhammed.
If City Code is a topic you are interested in, please feel free to join our Director of Infrastructure, Breinn Richter’s code compliance committee (infrastructure@historicfairmount.com)
Indow Presentation – interior storm windows that increase energy efficiency in homes, prevents drafts with an interior acrylic insert. These are laser measured for accuracy, so work for windows that are not square, every piece is custom made.
Director updates:
Director of Finance, Melanie Dotzour: not in attendance
Director of Communications, Betty Spitzberg:
- newsletters should be going out this weekend
- Cover theme for newsletter in April is water. Deadline for hometour edition newsletter (which goes to entire neighborhood) is 04/01/18
- You can go to your local Ace Hardware and pick up a free blue lightbulb for your porch to show support to Cook Children’s 100th anniversary
- Remember to sign up for the Fairmount weekly newsletter from the Fairmount Neighborhood home page. (http://historicfairmount.com/)
Director of Preservation, Susan Harper:
- We had two cases, both approved
- Preservation Palaver, Wednesday 2/28/2018 at Community Library
Director of Safety, Geri Cotten:
- 2 upcoming COPS classes, Wednesday 3/15/18 at the N. Main office from 6-10 pm, and on Saturday 4/12/18 at Hazel Harvey Peace Center from 9am – 12pm. Email publicsafety@historicfairmount.com for additional information.
Director of Membership, Deanna Stuart and Social Chair, Mel Strom:
- 3/17/18 will be family friendly social at Fairmount Park with lunch served and field day type activities.
- 4/12/18 will be adults only, from 6-9pm at Sinaca and Chimera brewing
- 6/23/18 – family friendly event stuffing “blessing bags” at The Space
- Deanna needs volunteers for stuffing/delivering welcome bags, email membership@historicfairmount.com to volunteer!
Director of Promotions, Sean Ford:
- Thanks to all who came out to cheer at the Cowtown Cheer station at Fairmount Park
- Neighborhood yard sale 4/14/18
- Julie Mathis, Hometour Chair, Home Tour committee meetings have begun, we still need a Wine Down coordinator, email hometour@historicfairmount.com to volunteer
- Joe Hyun – Fairmount 5k on 5/19, expenses for race covered as of now, sign up through the Fairmount homepage, several vendors are donating goodies for prizes
- Kim Worley, FairMounti Gras Chair, thank you to all that volunteered, event had a 30% return on investment
Director of Infrastructure, Breinn Richter:
- There will be a community forum for parents/schools/FWPD at Fire Station Community Center at 6:30 PM on Wednesday 3/7/18 (1601 Lipscomb) to discuss active shooter situations in local schools.
- There is a forthcoming study forthcoming that will encompass parking, traffic, no truck signs, and permit parking. For clarification, funding for this study may come from a variety of sources (hotel developer, City funds, TIF funds).
- Quotes for design for planting in park have been received and will be reviewed
- 3/24/2018 – Cowtown Clean up
- Email infrastructure@historicfairmount.com with questions
Director of Administration, Leah Suasnovar:
- Proposing neighborhood cookbook as fundraiser, will write up details for newsletter
Our neighbor Larry would like to initiate a “Day of Prayer” event in May, to be coordinated with Neighborhood Promotions. Is decided this will be discussed at next Board meeting 3/5/2018. Betty Spitzberg, director of Communications has Larry’s info for responding to his request.
Motion made for adjournment, approved, Meeting adjourned 8:23pm.
Meeting minutes submitted for approval by Leah Suasnovar 3/5/18.
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