10/01/2018 FNA Board Meeting Minutes

10/01/2018 FNA Board meeting

In attendance:  Deanna Stuart, Steve Voltmann, Bob Fain, Sean Ford, Leah Suasnovar, Sara Karashin, Bria Fox.

(Mike McDermott and Breinn Richter not in attendance)

7:05 Call to order

Board Updates:

Finance update: Bob working with Melanie to transfer all finance items to him (QuickBooks and bank accounts)

Sean posted update in Slack group for those needing access to the storage unit.  He is also researching nonprofit software that could be used to track donations to FNA.

Voting Items:

Annual Vote to update executive account holders for FNA Wells Fargo accounts:

Motion to remove the following as key executive holders on Fairmount Neighborhood Association on Wells Fargo Accounts – to be removed: Fred Harper, Susan Harper, Patty Randle, and Glenn Redding.  Motion approved unanimously.

Motion to add the following as key executive holders on Fairmount Neighborhood Association Wells Fargo Accounts, Sean Ford, Sara Karashin, and Bob Fain.  Motion approved unanimously.

Voting Item: Discussion regarding reducing the number of Board Meetings per year.  After discussion and bylaw clarification, motion made to meet every other month.  Motion approved unanimously. Meeting months are as follows: January, March, May, July, September and October.  The new meeting dates are effective as of 10/01/2018.  Board members will continue to work on responsibilities and discuss items via the Fairmount slack workspace.  General Membership will continue to be the 4th Monday of month.

Voting Item: 2019 Budget

Budget reviewed by Board.  Changes discussed and notated.  Motion made to approve budget edits – approved unanimously.  Board members should note that when expenses are submitted to Finance, they should specify which portion of the budget that expense should be applied to.


Retree program discussed briefly, Leah to inquire with City about current status of program.

Meeting adjourned 9:04pm.

Next board meeting 1/07/2019

Next general meeting 1/22/2019.

Meeting minutes submitted by Leah Suasnovar.