State markers denote highest honor awarded to historic structures
July 8, 2016
by Stacy Luecker, director of communications
While the Fairmount Historic District is on the National Register of Historic Places and many of the houses in Fairmount are contributing structures to the district, many of the houses are also eligible for individual recognition as Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks.
RTHLs are properties judged to be historically and architecturally significant. The Texas Historical Commission awards RTHL designation to buildings at least 50 years old that are judged worthy of preservation for their architectural and historical associations.
RTHL is a legal designation and comes with a measure of protection; it is the highest honor the state can bestow on a historic structure. Purchase and display of a historical marker is a required component of the RTHL designation process. Owners of RTHL-designated structures must give the THC 60 days notice before any alterations are made to the exterior of the structure. Unsympathetic changes to these properties may result in removal of the designation and historical marker. To nominate a property, the owner’s consent is required.
Fairmount currently has three houses individually recognized as recorded landmarks: Benton House (RTHL 1971), Gunhild-Weber House (RTHL 1978), and recently the Grammer-Pierce house (2015) which will host a dedication Saturday, May 7, 2016 at 2 p.m. In November of this year the Fairmount Historic District applied for a subject marker and its application is pending for 2016.
The application process takes place first through the Tarrant County Historical Commission who reviews the application and then sends it to the THC. Applications are accepted once per year with a deadline in November and those selected to be awarded markers are typically announced by the THC in January.
RTHL applications include a five page narrative history, property owner consent and proof or ownership, at least one historic photo, current photos of all elevations, a site plan and a floor plan.
Applications and information on the application process are available on the THC website at
Research links and tips on how to research your house can be found on the Fairmount website by visiting and clicking on the Resources link and then Research Your House.
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