September 2016 – Board Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2016
Meeting Minutes
FNA Board Minutes
September 6, 2016; 7:00 pm
Attending: Geri Cotton, Public Safety; Carrie Carter, Membership; Kim Worley, Administration; Roxanna Latifi, Preservation; David Thrapp, Infrastructure; Melanie Dotzour, Finance; Pat Bradley, President
Ex Officio Board: Mickey Bradley
Directors’ Reports
Historic Preservation – Roxanna Latifi
- Four committee members accepted to Roxanna’s team: Mike McDermott, Jason Binzer, Amanda Schulte Tacke, Scott Robinson
- First meeting and case to be discussed on September 10
- Attending the Historic & Cultural Landmark Meeting on September 12
Communication – Pat Bradley for Betty Spitzberg
- FNA is supporting the Near Southside Inc ArtsGoggle by sponsoring the 800 block of Magnolia (Brewed & Cane Rosso). Our tent will be an endcap
- Need ways to draw non-FNA members into booth
- Betty Spitzman will be working on an “American Gothic”-like piece for the booth, featuring Fairmount residents … potentially with an “insert your face here” piece
- Side committee meeting will be held to discuss a separate piece including pictures of Fairmount residents, perhaps a local artist can support this effort?
- Truly Tinsley and Paschal National Honor Society may be able to provide assistance in the booth, and may create a kids-based activity
Promotions – Pat Bradley for Alex Thieroff
- Festivus Committee Meeting scheduled for Wed., 9/14. For consideration:
- Desire to make this slightly more profitable than a “almost break event” event. Consider:
- Santa photo ops beside professional photographer
- Nominal fee for children rather than “free with a toy donation”
- Start and end event earlier. 9pm hour was quiet during Year 2
- Should $3500 budget be reduced slightly?
- Desire to make this slightly more profitable than a “almost break event” event. Consider:
Administration: Kim Worley
- No report
Membership: Carrie Carter
- Considering methods to get FNA news to elderly neighbors
- Perhaps a “Neighbors Care” flyer that members can share with those not on Facebook/unable to attend neighborhood meetings
- Membership could notify board of neighbor addresses which may qualify
- No action items at this time
- Carrie continues to get sharable information from our Neighborhood and City partners to add to our New Neighbor Welcome Packages
Finance: Melanie Dotzour
- $500 due from Sean Lynch ad in Home Tour book
- $500 due from Helen Painter for ad in Home Tour book
- Will report full financials at Membership Meeting
Infrastructure: David Thrapp
- We’re continuing to push the City to fix the street on the 1600 block of College
- There’s a continuing desire to push the City to work on 5th Ave from Magnolia to Fairmount Park due to the potential hazards placed on the Cowtown Marathoners. We’re fortunate that the race’s organizers (and the City) value our neighborhood as the centerpiece for the race’s mid-point party; we hope to provide a better experience for the runners down the route. FNA is not involved in the route selection
Safety – Geri Cotton
- National Night Out will be Tues., Oct. 4 from 5p-8p at the Trimble’s property – 1800 Washington Ave. Expecting about 300 people.
- Celebrates and supports our relationship with our local law enforcement officers
- Pot luck – please bring something to share. Many attending families may not be in a position to bring a dish, and we hope to feed everyone
- Will have a Bounce House, Port-a-Pots, etc.
- David Thrapp – we expect to move the Membership Meetings to Preservation Hall beginning with the January 2017 meeting. The meeting night will also be changed to Mondays
- David Thrapp – Christmas Party is scheduled at Preservation Hall on Saturday, December 10
- Kim Worley will contact The Bad Monkeys as a possible band for either the Christmas Party or Wine Down 2017. FNA desires to make the Christmas party a “stickier” event
- Kim Worley–will contact Robert Wedding for 2016 Home Tour Leads’ info to see if any of last year’s Home Tour leads will return
- Kim Worley – will contact City about the lawn overgrowth in Fairmount Park, and the Arts Council of Fort Worth regarding missing address and dead tree in “Memories”, the park’s art installation
- Kim Worley – may we add the origins paragraph and the FNA bylaws on to the new website? Add to conversation for next Board Meeting.
- Kim Worley – move and seconded: beginning with these September Board Meeting Minutes, post all meeting minutes to the Fairmount Neighborhood Facebook Page to support building awareness of what FNA does for the neighborhood, and ideally generate interest in membership. No buzz is bad buzz.
General Membership Meeting: Sept. 27, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Adjourned 9:10 pm
Minutes submitted by K. Worley 9/15/16 (…dreaming of Heim’s BBQ…)
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