November 2015 – Board Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2016
Meeting Minutes
FNA Board Minutes – November 2, 2015; 7:00 pm
Attending: Alex Theiroff, Promotions; Roy Neese, Infrastructure; Carrie Carter, Membership; Melanie Dotzour, Finance; Stacy Luecker, Communications; Kim Worley, Administration; Pat Bradley, President
Ex Officio Board: Mickey Bradley, Robert Wedding, Fred Harper
Membership Attendees: Susan Harper, George Achziger, Chandra Riccetti
Directors Reports
- Director of Promotions – Alex Theiroff
- Santa in the Park will be on 12/19/15.
- Festivus will include carolers and band(s) at Kent & Co.
- Historic Preservation – Martin Dahl
- No report
- Director of Communication – Stacy Luecker
- Passing out Festivus flyers requesting lit decorations along van route on Sun., 11/8/15 from 2p – 4p. Do not put flyers in mail boxes. Meet at Rosen House for block assignments.
- Holiday newsletter to be distro’d the weekend of December 5. In good shape for articles.
- Newsletter ads almost sold out. Sold $4K in ads, printing will cost $3700
- Stacy updated ad rates – cheapest ad is now $65.
- December Yard of the Month contest begins 12/11/15.
- Director of Administration: Kim Worley
- No report
- Director of Membership: Carrie Carter
- No report
- Director of Finance: Melanie Dotzour
- No report
- Director of Infrastructure: Roy Neese
- Warranty for the three dead trees only covers a reduction in the replacement cost. As such, may source replacement trees from elsewhere.
- Three dead trees plus an additional one in the parkway will be removed.
- Continuing to work on replacing the Fairmount Park sign.
- Working with park commission to understand pricing and logistics of getting a sprinkler system for the park.
- Warranty for the three dead trees only covers a reduction in the replacement cost. As such, may source replacement trees from elsewhere.
- Director of Safety – David Thrapp
- No report
- George Achziger – next social will be at Anytime Fitness: 11/19/15 at 7p.
- George Achziger & Chandra Riccetti – Bastion has availability for the Christmas party on Fri., 12/11. Considering upscale food stations and hosted hors’ devours placement of tallboys. Anticipating a $1500 budget (including wine & cocktails). Attendees can also bring wine because it’s a private party. Can use the meeting room plus the stage and patio (with heating lamps). Mexican/Southwestern theme.
- Seated section for senior citizens
- Are we doing a silent auction?
- Pot luck for dessert
- Due to day/date and size requirements for a recruiting activity, board voted to place the party at Preservation Hall on Saturday, 12/12. We’re hoping the The Bastion can cater all/a portion of the party.
- Susan Harper – Motion seconded with passing vote to offer subscription codes on an ongoing basis to new FNA members for a one-year subscription to “Old House Journal” – potentially to be added to proposed New Member Packets. This is important with regards to helping educate incoming residents on historic structures design/needs/etc. (FNA would absorb the $10 one-year subscription fee.) FNA typically gets 20 – 30 new member households per year. Existing members will also be allowed to get a first year subscription for $10. Carrie & Susan to work out the details.
- In the past, each block had a Block Captain. Was difficult to maintain. Should we do this again? No resolution.
- Should we consider selling bricks for around the park or garden? No resolution.
- Need to finalize Home Tour Committee – falls under the Promotions Team. Chair must be voted on. Committee comprised of Home Tour Director and chairs for: advertising, volunteers, home owner liaison, Wine Down, Progressive Dinner, and Parade. Pat will discuss evolution of currently anticipated Director’s placement/etc.
- Should we consider membership levels? Differing contributions allow other possibilities for sponsorships, gifts, etc. No resolution.
- Can we consider a dress-up theme party like a St. Valentine’s Day Massacre Party? Interest, but no resolution.
- Pat will reserve Rose Chapel for the Home Tour Volunteer Orientation Meeting on Tues., May 3.
- Kim Worley will buy $75 gift certificates from Chadra’s as “Thank You” gifts for departing board members. (6 gift certificates)
General Membership Meeting: January 26, 2015 @ 7:00pm
Adjourned 8:59 pm
Minutes submitted by Kim Worley 11/10/15
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