May 3, 2021 FNA Board Meeting
June 12, 2021
Meeting Minutes
Cowtown Marathon:
- Fairmount Cheer Station this Saturday at the corner of Bailey and Bristol
- Can display Flags and signs from 7:30 – 11:30am
- All the running groups will pass by the cheering station
Fairmount Green Space:
- It’s all cleaned up, but will need some work prior to Home Tour
- Volunteers needed to pick up mulch from the city
- Need to make a plan for the Fairmount sign that has faded
- Approach 5th Ave Greenhouse about sponsoring the green space
Home Tour:
- $6800 – $7000 for the booklet
- Need to figure out what the true number of printed booklets are needed based on the amount that was left over from previous years
- 9×12 magazine on glossy paper this coming year
- Paid off by ad sales
- need to raise budget amount
- Ad revenue should come in before the money is due for printing
- Home Tour Parade (Saturday of Home Tour @10am)
- Negotiate security with FWPD or Code Blue for the route and direct traffic/protect walkers
- Fire contact?
- Fairmount Trash Pirates
- see if we can partner with them to do a mass event/clean up with volunteers before home tour
- Include them on the parade
- Make sure the residents who have homes on home tour are current on their dues
Need to vote for the board members who are going to be part of the nominating committee
- 2 board members who are not running for a position
- 2 people from the community
Next meeting in Person outside in the courtyard of Southside Preservation Hall
End: 8:01pm
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