March 4, 2019 FNA Board Meeting Minutes

March 4, 2019, Fairmount Neighborhood Association Board Meeting, 1425 Fairmount.

Board members in attendance: Leah Suasnovar, Sara Karashin, Sean Ford, Bob Fain, and interim Director Fred Harper.

Others in attendance: Patricia Bradley, Mickey Bradley

Call to order 7:05 pm

Finance update: current budget reviewed, confirmation of Festivus audit – complete.  Moving forward, if promotional ads are sold, Directors are to create the invoice through PayPal.  Sara Karashin will add our Tax ID# as part of the default information on the invoice.  If Board members are not sure how to access PayPal they can obtain the login information on the Google drive, via a file called “Password”.  We are facing a shortage in the park maintenance budget.  When the new budget was presented to membership the mowing/maintenance funds were reduced, and there will not be enough funds to continue the maintenance on the Green Space on Allen or the Fairmount Park.  The anticipated shortage is $3500.00. It’s decided that this needs to be brought to membership’s attention at the next General Meeting to decide what to do.

Communications:  FB ads will be listed as enewsletter sponsors. Nonprofit organizations will receive a discount price.  Bob Fain requested a copy of the current rate sheets, Sara Karashin confirmed she will send.  The rate sheets are also available for review on the FNA Google drive.  There is an advertising team already working on ads for the Home Tour newsletter.  Sara Karashin is currently working on ensuring the website is up to date (verifying links and removing old information).  The Board decided the YOTM tab and the Neighbor recommendation tab should be discontinued at this time since neither has been updated in some time.  The YOTM information is shared in the newsletter and most current recommendations can be obtained on the neighborhood Facebook page.  The “City links” page needs checking, and we need to consider if additional resources should be added here.  Fred Harper and Leah Suasnovar have agreed to work on this task.  Discussion on whether there should be additional board member positions added, or if some of the work from Communications should be shifted to Administration.  Duties to be moved under consideration: business cards, name tags, social media posting.  The current director of administration, Leah Suasnovar, has approved the transfer of responsibilities.

Administration: Wanted to discuss the potential of discontinuing the usage of Slack, but will table this discussion until more Board members present.  Will work on setting up event for Neighborhood yard sale and the Open Streets event.

Promotions:  Julie Mathis is continuing to work on home tour.  Discussion had regarding Open Streets (4/7/19) and whether we want to host a booth.  The booth is only $25 and is an opportunity to promote and sell Home Tour tickets and T-shirts so it’s decided it would be a good investment.  Sean Ford has agreed to the set up and shut down, but we will need a few volunteers.  Sean to check with Julie, but would like to offer Open street volunteers a ticket for Home Tour for their time on their shift.  Will need to check with neighborhood chicken owners to see if we can borrow chickens for another chicken bingo event.

Infrastructure: Park updates coming in April.  Working on potential plaques that would give information on the art installation at the park, as well as a plaque commemorating the park and the homes that used to reside there for back of unsightly Fairmount Park sign, and considering the addition of planters or plants to help camouflage that area as well.  Will need volunteers to water new tree at Art installation, Fred Harper and Leah Suasnovar have agreed to keep an eye on the tree.  Fred Harper is working with TPW (transportation and public works) on a sidewalk improvement program for the neighborhood.  FRA (Federal Railroad Association) is working with the city to improve the Quiet Zones at the railroad tracks along 8th Ave in close proximity to the neighborhood.  Fred is also looking into why our neighborhood schools don’t have the flashing signs as other schools do, have sent an inquiry to Ann Zadeh (city council) and Ashley Paz (FWISD school board).  Discussion re: an individual or company to do the curb painting with the Fairmount logo.  We do not currently have a person for that service, but need to find one.

Other news/discussion: Daggett Montessori has requested a donation for their silent auction. In the past the FNA has donated a “Home tour basket” with home tour tickets and T-Shirts.  Sean to check with Julie if she is ok with us doing that again.

Fred is concerned with the amount of trash at the neighborhood schools. He will reach out to the FNA school liaison (Nancy Strickland) to see if there can be a cleanup effort coordinated during the Cowtown Clean up.

Question asked if we have used all the budget for school donations this budget year, Bob Fain to research and report to group his findings.

Meeting Adjourned 9:10pm

Meeting minutes submitted by Leah Suasnovar 3/5/2019

Next FNA General Membership meeting: 3/25/2019.

Next FNA Board of Directors meeting: 5/6/19