March 28, 2022 FNA General Membership Meeting
April 12, 2022
Meeting Minutes, News
Start time: 7:07 PM
Call to order
Officer Garner
- Burglaries have occurred on Arlington Ave- suspect lives on the street
- Porch pirates have increased- Ask neighbors/family members to bring your deliveries and packages inside to protect from theft
- A catalytic converter thief has been caught
- 7/11 will be staying closed. A burglary occurred at the building last week
- Issue with trespassers in Everly Plaza- officers are aware of who the trespasser is. Officers have recommended to property manager to implement elevator scan cards to prevent non-residents accessing the building. If you see a trespasser- do not approach them, call 911.
Code Complaints– reminder to use website to submit suspected code issues
Meeting minutes were approved by vote
Promotions– Kelci Cox
- Home Tour tickets are now on sale- takes place Mother’s Day weekend (May 8th)
- Volunteers needed to help with many Home Tour related activities. If you volunteer, you will receive a free ticket to Home Tour.
- ArtsGoggle- FNA will be the hosting the information/lost & found booth at Arts Goggle. Volunteers are needed to help with the booth.
Finance– Regina Jackman
- FNA is now using a new mailing address. The mailbox is located at the Biz Drop, a local neighborhood business. Address is available on the FNA website.
- Financial Status- $20,731 in checking, $13,058 in savings.
Membership- Barbara Crotty
- 100 current members, 85 of the previous year’s members still need to renew
Communications– Rachel Jenkins
- Printed neighborhood newsletter will be ready for distribution next week. Volunteers are needed to help deliver the newsletters to every home in Fairmount. Sign up online to help deliver.
Community Garden- Suzanne Mabe
- All beds have been rented
- Bed renewals begin in January, any beds that have not been renewed are released in February
- $55/ year
- Set work day once a month to keep things clean
- The garden will be hosting a Easter egg hunt the 2nd Saturday in April
- The Saturday of Home Tour they will be making bouquets for donations
Other Business-
- Daggett Park needs the soccer goals replaced- looking into splitting the cost with Ryan Place
- Reminder: if you hear anything about local schools or kids being in need, let the board know
- Rock area in Fairmount park- Austin and Amber to look back into the funding requirement made by the city so the rock area project can be finished and maintained.
- Reminder: only costs $20 to become a forever member of the compost service, bins located in the park.
- Possible membership social in April
Adjourn: 7:46 PM
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