June 2016 – Board Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2016
Meeting Minutes
FNA Board Minutes
June 6, 2016; 6:59 pm
Attending: Carrie Carter, Membership; Kim Worley, Administration; Martin Dahl, Preservation; David Thrapp, Public Safety; Melanie Dotzour, Finance; Pat Bradley, President
Ex Officio Board: Mickey Bradley; Robert Wedding (now also “Socials”)
Directors’ Reports
Historic Preservation – Martin Dahl
- The Historic Property Seminar is soon. A few people from the neighborhood are going.
- We need to work towards having real estate agents explain to potential Fairmount buyers prior to buying that they are home shopping in a historic neighborhood, and in all likelihood, if they buy in the neighborhood all potential changes made to the exterior of their future home will require historic review. Buyers still seem to be learning this after closing.
- We are looking for a successor for this position.
Communication – Stacy Luecker
- No report
Promotions – Alex Thieroff
- No report
Administration: Kim Worley
- No report
Membership: Carrie Carter
- Sending “thank you” cards to all Wine Down sponsors
- For next year’s Wine Down, request from Junior League 3 volunteers for afternoon shift set-up and three for hosting.
Finance: Melanie Dotzour
- Home Tour financial audit is this Wednesday.
- Helen Painter still owes us $1500 for their sponsorship.
Infrastructure: Open
- No report
Safety – David Thrapp
- Presented Begging/Panhandling brochures. Citizens on Patrol will be handing them out when incidents are witnessed. Also, expect to educate the neighborhood to not give money as it perpetuates the behavior. Since folks from outside the neighborhood give money to our serial panhandlers on Magnolia, we expect to share the brochures with key businesses, too.
- Call 911 for emergency and non-emergency needs. All calls hit the same switchboards and those who answer are coached on appropriate routing (when required).
- Will be hanging the “Doggy Doo” signs in the park soon.
- Pat asked David to check with Steve Halliday regarding a list of any outstanding street lights (for which we paid) that still need to be added by the city
- We need new Home Tour street signs, and we’ve misplace the feather flag. Perhaps Alex has it.
- We will need to buy/rent more chairs for Wine Down if we change locations in 2017.
- Historic Fairmount Facebook page. We will rename the page to include the word “Official”, and make all current officers administrators so that all officers can react to questions.
- We’ll create the Nomination Committee for the upcoming board vacancies shortly: Preservation, Safety and Finance will be placed.
- Jennifer Flynn from Meals on Wheels will be our June 28, 2016 speaker.
- Volunteer & membership recruitment: open discussion centered on the possibilities of having a fall festival; conducting a Survey Monkey survey from Facebook followers (on the Official and unofficial Fairmount pages) regarding care-abouts and pain points with FNA/membership; delivering meeting flyers door-to-door.
General Membership Meeting: June 28, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Adjourned 8:28 pm
Minutes submitted by K. Worley 6/9/16 (note: no wine was dribbled during this meeting)
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