July 12, 2021 FNA Board Meeting
August 8, 2021
Meeting Minutes
Board MeetingStart: 7:14P
Nominating Committee:
- Need 2 board members and 1 alternate
- Alternate – Elizabeth B.
- Preston P
- Regina
- Board approves the nominating committee
- Rachel moves
- Michael seconds
- Barbara is looking to form a committee
- Free Play as a possible venue for first event
- Community driven events in the parks
Home Tour Numbers:
- Need a breakdown of charges and categories
- In the process of getting the numbers finalized
Neighborhood Night Out
- Need to speak to the Trimble’s to see if we can move the location back to their home (October)
Arts Google
- Contact Nancy Strickland: school liaison to sell the Daggett students’ art work at the booth
- Confirmed that it is happening
- We do a decoration contest for the homes that correspond with yard of the month
Fairmount Garden (public space)
- Irrigation is not currently working, need to get with the city to fix the lines
- Need to raise Communications budget to what 2019 was
- $1500 scholarship fund for Historic Preservation State plaques
- Next meeting will be budget heavy
End 8:22PM
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