Join the Association

Become a member and support your neighborhood! As a member you will be invited to participate in FNA events and help support our website which includes neighborhood news, contact numbers for the association board, city, police, fire and code enforcement. It’s a great way to stay informed!
Your membership fee also helps improve the neighborhood’s infrastructure and safety through projects such as home tour, the addition of historic street lights and our feline trap/neuter release program.

Any individual who subscribes to the Objectives and Policies of the Fairmount Neighborhood Association, and who resides, leases or owns property within its boundaries, may become a full voting Member. Full voting Membership shall consist of: A. Individual Membership B. Household Membership C. Business Membership Members in these categories shall be eligible to participate in meetings of the General Membership, to serve in elected or appointed positions, and to serve on committees.

Others who do not meet residence or ownership criteria, but subscribe to the objectives of the organization, may become an Associate “Friend of Fairmount” non-voting Member. Associate Members may participate in meetings and serve on committees, but NOT chair committees or hold Board positions.
Membership in this Association shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, gender, sexual preference or national origin.
Membership renewal dues must be paid by January 31st for the year. New members may join at any time during the year and shall be considered “Members in good standing” ten (10) days following payment of dues.
Pay online through PayPal. PayPal account not required.

Or if you would like to join in person or through the mail,
download the Membership Application (.pdf)

Individual – $20 yearly Family/Household – $25 yearly Business – $25 yearly Friend of Fairmount – $20 yearly
Please include the application and make checks payable to: Fairmount Association

Mail dues and correspondence to:
2459 FOREST PARK BLVD #151 Fort Worth TX 76110

Or you can bring the form to any Fairmount general meeting to join.

Fairmount Neighborhood Association General Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Arts Fifth Avenue, 1628 5th Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104. For meeting and event notifications, please sign up for our e-mail list and/or like our Facebook page.

Membership is open to any Fairmount resident regardless of property ownership.