Festivus Winners and December Yard of the Month Contest

The Festivus Committee is proud to announce the winners of the Festivus decorating contest. Thank you again to everyone for decorating and making this neighborhood event so much fun for everyone who attends. We love how much it grows every year! Everyone is a winner in our eyes!

Without further ado, the winners are: Bria Fox and Jeff Marthers for Best House and The Richters and Bluntzers pulled in the win again for the Best Block! Congratulations everyone! Have a very Merry Christmas! A big thank you to Rosen House Inn for the Best House prize. Check out this great Bed & Breakfast right here in our Historic neighborhood!

Now go vote for December Yard of the Month in the Christmas lights contest! That Gingerbread House is now ineligible to win that contest. Sorry guys.


VOTE for your favorite home in the December/Christmas yard of the month Contest by 7 PM on December 21st! If any of the contestants end up being Festivus winners, they will not be able to win in this contest to keep it fair for the entire neighborhood.

This year’s prizes are:
2 dozen donuts from FunkyTown Donuts
$25 gift card from Great Harvest Bread Co. Fort Worth
$25 gift card from Pendery’s World of Chiles And Spices
A special thanks for their support! We hope you will like their page and visit their stores to show your support!