Historic Fairmount Structure Design Standards & Guidelines

Guide to Rehabilitation, Restoration and New Construction (Including demolition and removal)

Fairmount/Southside Historic District

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
April 1990

Your membership fee also helps improve the neighborhood’s infrastructure and safety through projects such as home tour, the addition of historic street lights and our feline trap/neuter release program.
City of Fort Worth Historic and Cultural Landmark Historic District

October 1990
First printed in October 1991

Design Guidelines and Standards revised 2014.


The structures in Fairmount are protected under a historic district (Historic District Overlay). Historic Districts are protected by law. Any changes to the exterior must be approved via the following process.

This guide has been compiled for the residents and property owners in Fairmount/Southside Historic District. Preservation, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of old buildings make sense aesthetically and economically. Rehabilitation is often less expensive than demolition or new construction. We hope this guide will aid current residents and property owners in rehabilitating and maintaining their property, in addition, we hope that anyone interested in buying property in Fairmount/Southside will find this guide helpful in deciding to become part of our neighborhood and join us in Fairmount/Southside where we’re…Preserving the Past and Planning the Future.

The Fairmount Southside Design Standards encourage the retention of original architectural elements:
  • Wood Windows
  • Wood Doors
  • Columns
  • Chimneys
The Fairmount Southside Design Standards discourage:
  • Painting original brick that has never been painted
  • The use of vinyl or metal siding
  • The replacement of original windows and doors
  • The enclosure of porches
  • The use of hardy board products except along ground
  • The use of vinyl windows
  • Standing seam metal roofs

Call the Planning and Development at 817-392-8037 for information or to appear before the Historic Landmarks Commission. Applications are due the third Monday of each month. Hearings are held the second Monday of every month. Download a copy of the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) and Historic Site Exemption Application (2016).

For Standards clarification, please visit the city of Fort Worth’s Historical and Cultural Landmarks Commission (HCLC) website at http://www.fortworthtexas.gov/planninganddevelopment/historicpreservation or contact our director of preservation via e-mail.