July 27, 2022 FNA General Membership Meeting

Monday, July 27th 2022, 7pm

Virtual meeting via Zoom

Call to order: 7:05 PM

President Amber Heard

  • August meeting will be held in-person and voting for the new board members will take place at that meeting

Officer Garner

  • Individual who was stealing packages off porches has been arrested
  • Provided recommendations for people living at Everly Plaza after resident mentioned they may create a floor captain patrol due to trespassers in the building- keep phone handy, work in pairs, call 911 if they see anything suspicious

Home Tour Report

  • Michael McDermott hosted an appreciation event to thank the homeowners who participated in Home Tour

Finance Report

  • Balance of accounts
    • Checking $38,006.41
      • Savings $1,358.37
        • Garden Account $4,301.39


  • Good turnout for the July 4th softball game against Ryan Place
  • Clarification that the FNA does not operate the Fairmount Ferals softball team, but does provide oversite of team finances

Nominating Committee

  • Four FNA board seats will be coming open, members will vote for the replacements at the August meeting
    • Finance
      • Communications
        • Historic Preservation
        • Public Safety
  • Laura James presented the proposed nominating committee slate:  Michael McDermott, Kelsey Cox, Rachel Jenkins, David Wueste, Brenda Howell, Suzanne Mabe  (alternate: Laura James)
  • Motion to accept, seconded. None were opposed.

Community Garden- Suzanne Mabe

  • Garden workdays, mural painting, and the demolition of the chicken coop have been postponed due to the heat
  • Will be holding their board meeting next week
  • Garden t-shirts are still available for purchase for $15, Suzanne will bring any remaining shirts to sell at the next meeting

Membership- Barbara Crotty

  • Westside Unitarian Church has joined as a Friend of Fairmount

Other Business

  • Suzanne Mabe said residents of Everly Plaza may be holding a voter registration event towards the end of August/beginning of September. She will post information once the details have been established
  • New Fairmount t-shirts will soon be available for purchase
  • Westside Unitarian Church will be holding a rummage sale Labor Day weekend to raise money for their kids program and will be accepting donations for the sale
  • August meeting will be held in person. Update on meeting location will be provided online closer to meeting date

Adjourn: 7:37 PM