Home Tour

42nd Annual Fairmount Tour of Historic Homes

Ticket Pickup: Arts Fifth Ave, 12-4pm
May 11-12, 2024 • 12:00-5 pm both days

Join the Fairmount Neighborhood Association (FNA) as they celebrate their 42nd tour of historic homes on Mother’s Day weekend, 2024 in the beautiful Fairmount National Historic District on Fort Worth’s popular southside. This year’s tour will feature 5 fabulous houses and two businesses. There will also be an outdoor fair held in Fairmount Park on May 11 complete with local artists and food trucks! Be sure to stop by for a visit to make your day complete. This event is a perfect Mother’s Day gift! Buy your tickets by May 10th at 4pm to receive a discount. Pre-sale tickets are $20/each. Tickets are $25/each on tour weekend. We hope to see you there.

This is the neighborhood’s largest fund-raiser and funds are used throughout the year for neighborhood events and infrastructure such as the Fairmount National Historic District signs you see lining the perimeter of the neighborhood, the park benches in our Greenspace, our National Historic District marker, and more.

We’re looking for Docents and House Captains!

Join the residents of Fort Worth’s beautiful Fairmount District as we open several our early 20th century homes to delight and educate guests about this important part of Fort Worth’s architectural history.