5/5/2018 FNA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2018
Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2018 FNA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Board Members in attendance: Sara Karashin, Geri Cotten, Breinn Richter, Melanie Dotzour, Sean Ford, Betty Spitzberg, Leah Suasnovar, Susan Harper and guest, Fred Harper.
Call to order at 7:03 pm
The need for an email vote for funding approval to send Sue McLean to NUSA was discussed. Sara to draft, send to Betty for emailing to membership and for Social Media posting.
Director of Finance, Melanie Dotzour:
- Steady ticket sales for home tour
- Melanie’s position of Director of Finance will be available in August. Please contact Melanie with questions regarding her position’s duties at finance@histroricfairmount.com.
Director of Promotions, Sean Ford:
- Home Tour plans progressing nicely, Wine Down planned. Additional volunteers could still be used.
- 5k has obtained lots of sponsors, discussed we may need to recommend 5k not be so close to Home Tour with Run organizers, as there may be too many time/planning conflicts. Geri Cotten reminded Board that the 5k will need an audit completed, we need to notify Joe Hyun, race organizer. We also need to obtain a sponsor sheet from Joe for the race sponsors.
- Discussion re: BrewedFest – we are unable to be financial partners for event at this time.
- Discussion regarding homelessness, how best to meet the needs of those in our neighborhood. Board has decided that we should initiate a discussion with local organizations serving the homeless population to best guide us on what to do. (Breinn, Sean, and Geri are taking the lead on this).
Director of Administration, Leah Suasnovar:
- Discussion regarding inventory management, keeping a list of inventory in warehouse, and a system for checking things out of storage unit from inventory
- Discussion re: purchasing a lockbox with a code so inventory can be easily accessed without having to track down keys frequently. Discussed keeping key at Sean’s house in lock box so key return can be monitored
- Work continuing to obtain Conflict of Interest forms from chairs and committee members
- Have left message with Randall at Archie’s regarding YOTM sponsorship, no response yet. Will call again.
Director of Infrastructure, Breinn Richter:
- Parking study is currently underway. NSI is coordinating at the direction of the City, being conducted by a third party.
- Will check status of “no truck” signs for residential streets.
- Hemphill Right sizing has gone back to the city for approval.
- Daggett Montessori and Daggett Elementary were awarded $750,000 from “Safe Routes” (From 2005 to 2012, Safe Routes to School initiatives were funded through a standalone federal Safe Routes to school program. This program provided more than $1 billion in funding in all states to support infrastructure improvements and programming to make it safer for children to walk and bicycle to and from school.) https://www.saferoutespartnership.org/healthy-communities/101/history
- Allen restriping should take place at the end of May.
- NEZ (Neighborhood Empowerment Zone) going back to city council for a final vote, consultants involved think we should keep NEZ as is.
- Code Compliance committee met and is developing a list of properties to check for potential noncompliance issues for review
- Michael McDermott has agreed to Chair the Parks and Maintenance committee for the FNA
- VOTING ITEM: FAIRMOUNT PARK DESIGN. Bids received: Glennscape, Clearfork, Mat Pereda, Lawn Wrangler and Denmark for having the common areas mowed, edging, trash removal, debris removal, irrigation inspections. After plans and pricing reviewed, 5 votes in favor of Clearfork, 2 in favor of Glennscape. Motion made to award to Clearfork passed for park plans, park maintenance and greenspace (on Allen) maintenance. Design boards will be requested for review and voting by membership in lieu of our next general meeting.
- City said “no” to providing electric at the Community Garden, because it is “not City Property”. Susan Harper believes it is City Property and will look into this further.
Director of Preservation, Susan Harper:
- 5 tax cases in HCLC meeting, 14 cases have been admin approved. There will be a meeting 5/14/2018 at City Council to discuss the implementation of the historic ordinance revisions. Susan will be there speaking in support of historic neighborhood input.
- Can the board donate to the Arts 5th Avenue fundraising auction? Decided we can donate a Home Tour TShirt, Poster and FNA membership.
- Reminder that this position on the Board will be open for a new person in August. Please contact Susan if interested, preservation@historicfairmount.com
Director of Public Safety, Geri Cotten:
- Will be following up with Sergio re: activity in alleys (homelessness)
- Reminder that this position on the Board will be open for a new person in August. Please contact Geri if interested, publicsafety@historicfairmount.com
Director of Communications, Betty Spitzberg:
- Reminder that this position on the Board will be open for a new person in August. Please contact Betty if interested, communications@historicfairmount.com
Director of Membership, Deanna Stuart: No Update
General Discussion:
Discussion amongst board members on having an attorney on retainer when Board has question or needs advice on city issues. 3 quotes received, going with lowest bidder, Cole Bryan. Motion to approve, pending bar verification and resume review.
Meeting adjourned at 8:46pm.
Next Board meeting June 4, 2018.
Meeting minutes submitted by Leah Suasnovar, 5/14/18.
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