Meeting Notes: General Membership – July 22, 2024

Call to order: 7:01 PM

Andrew Epps welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

Officer Updates:

  • Neighborhood Police Officer (NPO):
    • Officer Bell and Sergeant Shiv with the City of Fort Worth real time crime center
    • Community Garden concerns –
      • Sargent Shiv at the real time crime center, works with the community camera program in the city
      • Community Camera Program – an individual can register their cameras online with the city so that officers can know where pre-existing cameras are (registration)
      • Also have an integration system for businesses only, so that the police have access to the cameras in real time. Potential for the garden?
      • City-owned cameras are an option but must meet certain criteria – high crime areas. Violent personal crime is of main concern to the city.
      • These are also available for a short-term (30 day) solution. Requires power to install.
      • Best solution could be for the Community Garden to purchase cameras (need to figure out logistics with mounting and Wi-Fi) and integrate with the city’s system.
      • If Wi-Fi is an issue, then would need to consult with a security consultant, likely.
    • Recent incident in the neighborhood – there was a lot of discussion on the neighborhood Facebook page, but that info was not getting communicated to Officer Bell or the real-time crime center. This information is helpful but would be more helpful if it is shared with the NPO.
  • Code Compliance:
    • Not in attendance
  • Deputy Constable:
    • Not in attendance
  • Fort Worth City Council District 9 Representative:
    • Anthony Rojas from Councilwoman Beck’s office is in attendance.
    • Back to School event at Fire Station community center coming up – Aug 10 at 10AM
    • Budget meetings upcoming. for citizens to share info.
    • Railroad crossing has temporary fix, but the final
    • Victoria – Health Specialist with the City of Fort Worth:
      • Since July 18, there have been 20 more positive samples of mosquitos, only 2 human cases in Fort Worth
      • 1130 Fournier St – this is a mosquito trapping site
      • Targeted spray mission happened this past weekend
      • Check the city website for spraying notices – also will be posted with signs
      • Spraying protocol – stay indoors if possible, bring pets inside during night (9PM – 3AM), cover ornamental ponds, bring bowls inside, AC can remain on but can set to recirculate only, bring toys inside, wash anything exposed
      • Pesticide spray is considered safe and is EPA approved
    • High Impact Pilot Program – new program, see the flyer for more information
    • Plan on working with Tarrant County and the city regarding the Center located in Fairmount.

Community Garden Update: Brandon Wilson

  • Plots are 100% rented out
  • Going on hiatus for volunteer days for the summer but will work on a social meeting for next month (August) – may coordinate with the August FNA Social

Community Library Update:

  • No one in attendance

Board Updates:

  • Home Tour Audit: Lauren Wu/ Andrew Epps
    • Audit happened yesterday as spelled out in the by-laws
  • Fairmount Board Nominating Committee Vote: Andrew Epps
    • Susan Harper, Brandon Wilson, and Glenn Conner have signed up as volunteers
    • Andrew Epps moves for these people be part of the nominating committee. Frances Looks seconded. The motion passes unanimously with a voice vote.
  • Public Safety: Glen
    • Code Blue plug
    • CERT program – for emergency situations

Fairmount Board Election August 26th:

  • Board positions to fill: All are 2-year positions, unless noted otherwise
    • Communication
    • Finance
    • Historic Preservation
    • Public Safety
    • Promotions (1 year)
  • Bolded positions do not have strong potential board members yet, so will require some more research on behalf of the nominating committee.
  • If you want to vote at the next meeting for board members, make sure that you are a member for 10 days before the vote.


  • Seems to have been worse this year than in the past
  • Proposal that there needs to be better communication ahead of the Fourth of July that fireworks are illegal and have a $2,000 fine.
  • Lauren to get Frances Look the info on our other FNA yard signs for pricing info.
  • Frances could get a committee together of the most dedicated individuals who want to be in charge of getting signs coordinated and putting signs up June through August.
  • If there is enough put together, this could be brought up to the city council.
  • We could standardize the signage and allow people to purchase these to place on their own property, as a way to offset the costs.
  • Glen was a volunteer for the fireworks phone number and said that the phones were not ringing off the hook, even on July 4th. 817 392 4444 (4222 – non-emergency number)
  • The most effective thing to do is to continue to report, because the city does track all these metrics before they decide to act on something.

Adjourn: 7:55 PM