2232 College Ave – Yard of the Month (March 2017)
March 13, 2017
Yard of the Month
Stacy Luecker, owner of , also known as the Grammer-Pierce home, is the winner of Fairmount’s Yard of the Month for March 2017. The home was purchased in 2008 by Stacy and her husband Eric Luecker, both professional photographers, keen historians, and active neighborhood volunteers. While Fairmount mourns the painful, recent passing of Eric, 
his decade of artistry and handiwork live on the house, which remains Stacy’s refuge. Built for Lula Grammer, the widow of local pharmacy tycoon Nathaniel, 2232 celebrated its centennial with a stint on Fairmount’s Home Tour 2015. (Stacy retains evidence of the Grammer empire in glass antique bottles from the pharmacy embossed with the Grammer name). The interior features original woodwork and built-in cabinetry, and holds an excellent collection of Craftsman and early 20th century objects, ceramics, glass and furnishings. The Lueckers’ work was also honored in May 2016 with a dedication ceremony naming 2232 a Registered Historic Texas Landmark (it is one of only three Fairmount homes with RHTL status) and again in Sept. 2016 when Historic Fort Worth selected the Lueckers as “Great Stewards” and Preservationists.

his decade of artistry and handiwork live on the house, which remains Stacy’s refuge. Built for Lula Grammer, the widow of local pharmacy tycoon Nathaniel, 2232 celebrated its centennial with a stint on Fairmount’s Home Tour 2015. (Stacy retains evidence of the Grammer empire in glass antique bottles from the pharmacy embossed with the Grammer name). The interior features original woodwork and built-in cabinetry, and holds an excellent collection of Craftsman and early 20th century objects, ceramics, glass and furnishings. The Lueckers’ work was also honored in May 2016 with a dedication ceremony naming 2232 a Registered Historic Texas Landmark (it is one of only three Fairmount homes with RHTL status) and again in Sept. 2016 when Historic Fort Worth selected the Lueckers as “Great Stewards” and Preservationists.
The style of the home is classic Craftsman, with a deeply-eaved, wrap-around brick porch painted chocolate brown.
The bungalow was recently repainted by local housepainter José Solis in Sherwin Williams’ Historic Home colors,
including the dominant color, Roycroft Bronze Green, with accents in Rookwood Amber, Cream and Eastlake Gold.
As Henry Wilson’s The Bungalow Book from 1910 advises, “a pleasing dull green” is ideal for the wooden siding,
particularly when combined with warm red and citrus hues, like the paint on the oversized front door. A work of
stained-glass art on the porch brings together the cerulean, brown, orange and yellow harmoniously, and nearby, a
sign welcomes visitors ‘to the South porch.’ At Halloween, one might find a spooky plate of haunted spaghetti on
the porch table, and at Christmas, a sign reminding us to experience Joy. Flanking the front stairs are beloved
Fairmount fixtures, Harley and Eloise, a pair of winged griffins who protect the home. In heraldic tradition, the griffin
combines the traits of the lion and the eagle, and symbolizes strength and courage. Griffins, which are purported to
mate for life, make a fitting emblem of the Lueckers’ devoted marriage. Eloise’s violet-painted talons also provide color
inspiration for many plants in the garden.
Descending the front steps, on the right, one enters a lovely pocket garden, demonstrating careful planning to executed
harmonious combinations in its four rectangular beds. The landscaping was designed by family friend Michael
McDermott and maintained by the Lueckers themselves. On the North side, two young Japanese maples (Acer
palmatum) flank the porch; these trees are always a beautiful landscape choice for a Craftsman home, both because
of the pronounced Asian influence in the aesthetic of the Craftsman movement, and for the complementarity of their
warm red hues and feathery leaves to other design elements in the house. Next to them, a stone fountain burbles.
Two Texas redbuds are just beginning to bloom next to metal decorative garden fencing lining the sidewalks. A
conceptual river of creeping phlox in amethyst and mauve hues winds through the front yard, circling variegated
dwarf lilyturf, rosemary topiary, and Chinese fringe flower (loropetalum Chinense) with coppery-burgundy leaves and
magenta petals. In a cyan-blue pot, a lilac scabiosa blooms; this plant is also called a pincushion flower, for those not
fond of the reminder of the disease scabies, which the bloom purportedly cures. Nearby, a gargoyle planter sports a
fuzzy hair-do of evergreen santolina, a small, heat-tolerant shrub of the chamomile family. In the easement near the
street, two kidney-shaped beds of purple bearded iris will flower throughout March. They are surrounded by recently
installed paths made of historic bricks from the Luecker’s substantial collection. Inside the Southern oval, a second
Chinese fringe flower, a rosemary, a prostrate evergreen bush and a miniature rose both set out deep pink buds. In the
Northern one, pink and maroon yarrow (Achillea millefolium) nestle in the iris leaves.
Our thanks, and a gift certificate to Avoca on Magnolia Ave., go to Stacy Luecker.
The YOTM committee is Susan Harper and Bonnie Blackwell.
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