1/8/18 Board Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2018
Meeting Minutes
Fairmount Neighborhood Association Board Meeting minutes, 01/8/2018
Board Members in Attendance:
Melanie, Geri, Sara, Sean, Deanna, Betty, Leah, Breinn
7:05 call to order
Director’s Updates:
Finance –
current storage unit paid through end of January,
Insurance with current vendor auto-renewed
Promotions –
Kim Worley is not attendance and not providing an update on Mardi Gras as indicated on
agenda, Sara asked that Board members share and invite the Mardi Gras event on Social Media
to drive ticket sales
Board Members should volunteer for cash handling positions night of event
Melanie will have necessary checks day of event
Santa in the Park was a success, need to be sure to reserve the park with Parks and Rec next
year (noted that the reservation doc is located in files on Google Docs Drive)
Festivus – made a little over $2100, over 300 attendees this year. Noted that people were going
straight to Santa’s Village bypassing the light tour and ticket sales which will need to be looked
at for next year.
Historic FW 5k coming through the neighborhood on 1/20. Will reach out for more
involvement/promotion for future runs.
Cowtown Marathon coming through neighborhood 2/25/2018, Brenda Howell coordinating with
Martin dahl on waffles in the park and any FNA involvement.
Fairmount 5k, Joe has submitted necessary documents for permits and has gotten a Wells Fargo
sponsorship. Date still TBD. Joe wants vote at January membership meeting regarding
sponsorship. We need to make sure this run does not coincide with Garage Sale or Home Tour
Membership –
Approx. 110 attended Christmas party
Membership Drive successful – Drawing completed for prize winners!!
There will be no February social because of Mounti Gras
Planning family event for social in March, reminder to Board that payment is no longer required
to attend these events
We need to reserve space NOW for 2018 Christmas Party
Still looking for coordinator for Welcome Packet program – Packets for January will go out 1/20.
Administration –
Name Tags have been ordered for all Board Members, and some chairs
Discussion regarding consolidated menu for advertising/sponsorship packages, perhaps a
brochure with set sponsorship levels
Business Cards in process (need a higher res logo file and vendor who will bill us)
Infrastructure –
No update from Nancy Strickland
NSI – no update, Scott Robinson possible liaison for FNA with NSI, Breinn has been attempting
De Za Vala wants to complete a community service project in Fairmount
Park Update – Several park updates coming -getting dog waste stations, new trash cans,
electrical outlets, flower bed, but we need someone to design the bed and submit plan to city,
new tree (s), updating of house numbers on public art
Sue McLean coordinating with City on broken streetlights, should be repaired in the next 20
City Council getting ready to discuss permit parking, Breinn Richter and Angela Gaither
preparing remarks for councilwoman Zadeh, Breinn will message us with details, we are
requesting to be part of Pilot program
No update on block captain program
Preservation –
No update, Susan not in attendance
Safety –
No Update
Communications –
Newsletters – Slow month getting buyers on ads, can board members reach out to local business
to see if they want to advertise, Sean reaching out to Buzz Fence for business spotlight, planning
a “kid designed” cover program for 2018 newsletters, determined we can include vendor names
in email blasts as an additional incentive for advertising included with print ad in newsletter
Needs Board members to send updates with upcoming events and dates
Sara inquired if on emails blasts if the Fairmount events could be listed at the top in
chronological order, Betty to research
General Discussion:
Chad Lorance with TRWD will speak at next general meeting 1/22.
Eartha will come to encourage folks to join Code Blue
Discussion if we should change Sgt at Arms to Parliamentarian, after consulting Robert’s Rules it
was voted to leave the name to Sgt at Arms. Goal for this Chair position to attend General
Meetings to ensure meetings are conducted per Robert’s Rules and FNA bylaws and attend
Board meetings as frequently as possible
Motion made to appoint a committee to review bylaws, motion was tabled, but general
consensus is they DO need to be reviewed
Next FNA Board Meeting 2/5/2018.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm
Meeting minutes submitted 1/18 by Leah Suasnovar
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